Improving pain. Developing strength.

Building confidence. Overcoming fears.

Fearless Physiotherapy offers pelvic PT

for prenatal and postpartum women.

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a manual-based approach to treatment while focusing on the science of movement and function. Around the world, many countries like Canada, Australia, and much of Europe use the term physiotherapy while the U.S. typically uses physical therapy. These countries that practice physiotherapy also make postpartum care and a focus on pelvic floor recovery, a priority for all mothers, something the U.S. as a whole is lacking.


Fearless PT utilizes physiotherapy for 3 reasons.

  1. The treatment approach is a manual-based treatment, including techniques such as soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, cupping and use of tools, joint mobilization, and scar mobilization.

  2. Mothers are seen as a whole person. When treatment is centered on the science of movement, mothers can be helped to restore and maximize strength and function. It’s more than just Kegels for the pelvic floor; it takes coordination with whole body movements to improve pelvic floor strength and support of the surrounding musculature of the pelvis.

  3. Advocating for pregnant and postpartum women to seek physical therapy/physiotherapy (PT) for birth prep as well as strengthening and pain management after delivery are a priority at Fearless, similar to countries who practice physiotherapy.

Click below to learn why Fearless Physiotherapy is the pelvic floor PT for you!

The story behind Fearless

I was pregnant with our first baby and scheduled to be due on August 25, 2021. We were having a baby girl. She was diagnosed with Turner Syndrome and our world turned upside down. Our sweet baby, Hannah Violet, was called to heaven on April 10, 2021 and delivered into our arms with a still heart shortly after. I made a note by Psalm 34:4 as we grieved losing Hannah and it says- “I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.” This verse brought me peace and hope and is the foundation of Fearless Physiotherapy. I want to show God's love to those I have the privilege of working with and use my story to help women find hope and confidence amidst their fears, whether it be during pregnancy, for labor & delivery, or anything regarding their postpartum journey.

There was a lot that I questioned and feared after losing Hannah, and naturally, a great deal of fear came over me when I became pregnant with our son, Josiah.

Things I see women fear during pregnancy and postpartum:
-fear of movement or exercise during pregnancy
-fear of pain that will affect delivery
-fear of the delivery process, pain, and tearing
-fear that postpartum leakage, pain, prolapse symptoms will last forever
-fear of returning to sexual activity
-fear of “doing something wrong to make it worse”
-fear of returning to exercise and how to do it safely

I’m a physical therapist with specialized training in pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum. I’ve walked through the imaginable, having to bury one of my own children, but also witnessed the miracle of life.

I can help with aches and pains during pregnancy. I can give guidance on pushing techniques, preparing the vaginal tissue for delivery, and working on the proper mobility and positions for the labor and delivery process. I can provide a program tailored to you so you can do what you love without pain, leakage, or heaviness postpartum. I’m here to advocate, educate, strengthen, and cheer mamas on. I’m here to build confidence and help guide women to overcome their fears. I would love the opportunity to work with you.